Senior Applied Scientist @
Amazon Alexa AI
Email: chakrabarti.14 AT
osu DOT edu
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Publications Service
- H. Mittal, A. Chakrabarti,
B. Bayar, A. Sharma, N. Rasiwasia. Distantly Supervised Transformers For E-Commerce Product QA. NAACL-HLT 2021 (To appear).
- Y. Wang, B. Bandyopadhyay, V. Patel, A. Chakrabarti, D. Sivakoff, S. Parthasarathy. Spread Sampling and Its Applications on Graphs. COMPLEX NETWORKS
- J. Sun, A.
Vishnu, A. Chakrabarti, C. Siegel, S. Parthasarathy. ColdRoute: effective routing of cold questions in stack exchange sites. ECML-PKDD 2018.
- Y. Wang, B. Bandyopadhyay, A. Chakrabarti, D. Sivakoff, S. Parthasarathy. Spread Sampling for Graphs: Theory and Applications. KDD Workshops 2018.
- A
Chakrabarti, S Parthasarathy, C Stewart. A Pareto Framework for Data
Analytics on Heterogeneous Systems: Implications for Green Energy Usage
and Performance. ICPP 2017. [pdf]
- Y Wang, A Chakrabarti, D Sivakoff, S Parthasarathy. Hierarchical Change Point
Detection on Dynamic Networks. WebSci 2017. [pdf]
- Y Wang, A Chakrabarti, D Sivakoff, S Parthasarathy. Fast Change Point Detection on
Dynamic Social Networks. IJCAI 2017. [pdf]
- A Chakrabarti, M Marwah, M Arlitt. Robust Anomaly Detection for
Large-Scale Sensor Data. BuildSys 2016. [pdf]
- B Bandyopadhyay, D Fuhry, A Chakrabarti, S Parthasarathy. Topological graph sketching for
incremental and scalable analytics. CIKM 2016. [pdf]
- A Chakrabarti, B Bandyopadhyay, S Parthasarathy. Improving locality sensitive
hashing based similarity search and estimation for kernels.
ECML/PKDD 2016. [pdf]
- A Chakrabarti, S Parthasarathy, C Stewart. Green-and heterogeneity-aware
partitioning for data analytics. INFOCOM Workshops 2016.
- S Toledo, D Melo, G Andrade, F MourĂ£o, A Chakrabarti, R
Ferreira, S Parthasarathy, L Rocha. D-STHARk: Evaluating Dynamic Scheduling of
Tasks in Hybrid Simulated Architectures1. ICCS 2016.
- A Chakrabarti, V Satuluri, A Srivathsan, S Parthasarathy. A bayesian perspective on
locality sensitive hashing with extensions for kernel methods.
TKDD 2015. [pdf]
- A Chakrabarti, S Parthasarathy. Sequential hypothesis tests for
adaptive locality sensitive hashing. WWW 2015. [pdf]
- C Stewart, A Chakrabarti, R Griffith. Zoolander: Efficiently Meeting Very Strict,
Low-Latency SLOs. ICAC 2013.
- A Chakrabarti. Scaling
Analytics via Approximate and Distributed Computing. PhD
thesis 2017. [pdf]
Journal Editorial Board: DMKD
Program Committees: KDD 18,19,20,21, SIGIR 20,21, WSDM 21, IJCAI 20, SISAP 18,19,20, HiPC 2019, DSAA 18,19, CIKM 17,18, SmartGridComm 2018, WWW 2017
Reviewer: ECML/PKDD, TKDE, TKDD, Pattern Recognition Letters, DAPD, VLDB Journal, TSAS, TDS